Friday, December 29, 2006
Chris gone again, but Aimee is here.
I know it's been awhile. I can't blog for long, but I wanted to say happy blogiversary to me.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Mike and Dan have left and I am a putz
The baby was really starting to warm up to them toward the end as well. It was delightful to see. I have a photo album set up of their visit for those who want to her cuteness and the guys themselves.
In other news, I almost destroyed my computer with a knitting needle. I had started a sock on dpns and was picking up the free dpn to start the next round. It was late, and I fumbled, and the damn needle disappeared. We tore up the area around my computer to try to find it. No luck.
Just as I was planning another trip into Warner Robbins, site of the nearest mall. I hear Chris snicker. He points out to me my dpn sticking out of the one of the little holes that provide ventilation for my computer.
So I'm a putz. But I have been knitting socks, and that makes me a genius!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Wonderful weekend and sheep wrap tips
I did finish the Tawanda for Dan. It is a bright purple scarf/shawl called a sheep wrap. It is pretty easy with the right application of stitch markers. I placed a stitch marker on both sides of the center stitch then added one on either side every 25 stitches. It really helped the wrap go quicker because I wasn't constantly recounting.
Well, must go feed the monst... uhm, Freesia. Yeah, that's what I meant.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Weird and creepy
But today's post is about something else. Something I haven't really felt comfortable writing about until I saw this week's post on Raising Violet at There are times I feel somewhat uncomfortable with how much I love Freesia.
Let me rephrase. There are times when I feel uncomfortably in love with Freesia, like romatically. I'll be holding her, and she'll kiss me and give me a hug. I'll return it in kind and snuggle her close, and realize that I'm breathing in her smell and it's making my heart beat a little harder. Then I feel kind of icky as I realize that it's the same thing I do when I hug Chris.
Violet's mom (can't remember her name) goes on to say she had heard about how the mother/child relationship can feel romantic before she gave birth but she never understood it. I had heard the some of the same, but never realized what it would mean.
So there are times that I really do feel slightly out of whack when I'm playing with Freesia and I do something that sparks those emotions. I would never harm her that way, but it's like the potential is there. Or rather, if I were a different person who had that tendency, I might be tempted. It does change how I feel about other's playing with Freesia. I'm always watching for something inappropriate. I can see why there was that push during the middle of the twentieth century for mother's not to hold their children.
Completely stupid, since children need to be held and played with, but I can see why men felt uncomfortable about it.
But that's an entirely different post. Thanks for listening.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Wow! I'm so steamed.
Sometimes I just really want to kill something. Anything. I know that I make most of the plans around here, but that's because Chris lives in a house that doesn't have drawers.
Okay, let me explain. Chris can be unpacking a box, or cleaning off a surface, and he'll start to look at something. He'll spend twice the time it took him to unpack or pick up the piece of paper/book/magazine/plate/shiny thing looking at it, then he'll put it down on a shelf, back on the surface he found it on (like our dining room table), or back in the box because the place its going isn't ready yet.
We have guests coming people, and I really want to be able to eat at my dining room table. Freesia is getting too big for her high chair.
So I told him, he can do what he wants. I don't care. But I'll be cleaning. And if he thinks I'm going to just clean around him, then he's got another thing coming.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Just a FYI
Oh, my goddess!
Anyway, things are moving apace here. We will be doing some X-mas shopping this evening, but I'm afraid that for the most part, not many people will be getting toys. I need to talk to Chris but we will probably be sending an email to the relevant people letting them know not to get us anything this year, since we won't be able to reciprocate.
Especially since I'm not doing the late X-mas gift thing this year. I do plan to knit some things for myself next year. I have my eyes on a shawl, and possibly a hat to match. As well as a wrap shirt from Big Girl Knits.
Well, that's all for now, cause Freesia is demanding I attend her :D.
A new format for a new year.
In other news, I've started Tawanda--Mikey knows what I mean. There may eventually be pictures. And as for pictures, I finally found a way to upload pictures to the web without my dial up clunking out on me. Check out the side bar, or click here.
Anyway, just updating to let everyone know what's up. Expect a knitting album to show up there sometime soon.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
So now the month is over
In the knitting arena, I actually got around to knitting a couple of teddy bears. One went to Killian, my newest nephew, and the other will be going into the toys for tots program. And in other news my spinning table/wheel is almost done. It's a modified treadle sewing machine we found in one of the chicken houses they use for storage here on the farm. And speaking of the farm, I've got some pictures I'm giong to try uploading, but apparently this takes hours with a dial up connection. I'll try later tonight or this weekend.
Anyway, y'all take care.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Well still writing
But enough about that. Can anyone say, "Woot, go Democrats?"
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Bad writers don't get cookies
I'm also really kind of disturbed by my novel. Can a writer get too grossed out by their own novel?
Reasurrances are welcome.
Monday, November 06, 2006
So still trucking along
Well, I have to go. I've put myself on an internet diet so that I won't spend time I could be writing aimlessly wondering.
See ya later, kiddies.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Nanowrimo and other things
I had a perfectly good idea. Solid sci fi story complete with back story that I completely ditched on day 2. So I have 38oo words of a horror story going, and at least I'm not far behind, don't ya know.
Well, it's late, I'm about to go to bed as soon as Return of the King is over.
Take care out there in web land.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Arrgggh! Where is the yarn?
Now I just need to find the yarn. I can't believe I haven't unpacked it yet. With temperatures dropping, I was going to knit Freesia some leg warmers so she could still wear her dresses along with some felted booties for to wear in the morning to keep her feet warm.
I also have some socks I was going to knit for my dad, and a few other things, but now I can't find my yarn. It is somewhere in the depths of the walk in closet that we have yet to excavate. I know my wool is there--it's driving me crazy. Especially since I found a pattern for a teletubby doll, and Freesia loves the teletubbies.
Oh, goddess, what am I going to do when the only project that is accessable to me is done? I'm going to go into knitting overload, or unpacking overload. One or the other.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
So let us try this again, or Wavy Scarf pattern take two
This is a pattern for what I call Wavy Scarf. I knitted it for my dad last Christmas, but I don't think I posted the pattern here. Basically, by using two different weights of yarn, you creat a three dimensional fabric that has waves in it. I will warn you that selvage stitch (slipping the first stitch in every row) does not do anything to control the curling.
2 skeins of bulky weight yarn A(I used Lamb's Pride bulky in one of their shades of blue)
2 skeins of worsted weight yarn B(I used Lamb's Pride worsted in gray)
Size 11 needles, or needles to give you the gauge you like for a scarf
Cast on holding yarn A and yarn B together. Next purl a row holding the two yarns together. Then follow the following pattern:
(Rows 1 and 2) Knit one row with A; purl one row with A.
(Rows 3 and 4) Knit one row with B; purl one row with B.
(Rows 5 and 6) Knit one row with A and B together; purl one row with A and B together.
Continue those six rows until the scarf is as long as you want it to be, twisting the yarn strands around each other up one side (this will not be noticeable unless inspected by a fellow knitter) to carry the excess yarn up to the appropriate row. I found it easier to bind off on 5 instead of 6, but that just depends on what edge you want to leave.
Add fringe in the usual way if you wish.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
I'm so about to get into trouble
No one at that university was even alive before the Civil War. What do they have to "atone" for? Do they feel bad because part of the money that built it came from trading slaves? Well, that's fine, but "atonement" only means anything when the people directly involved repent.
So really this is just a publicity stunt by some people who don't even realize how transparent they are. In the words of Mr. Dennis Leary, ""
Friday, October 20, 2006
Drive by crossbowshooting? and other things
Jon also brought up carseats. Jeeze, those things are such a racket. We bought a conversional car seat for less than $100 that will last until Freesia is approximately 3 years old. For those not in the know, a conversional car seat can be set up with a baby facing the back of the vehicle or with the toddler facing forward. Of course, you can't take it out of your car to carry your kid around in, so a lot of people get the click in/out kid carry thingies that only last for maybe eight to twelve monthes. Then you are stuck buying another car seat.
I got to go, dinner is waiting to be cooked.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Well, what do ya know?
In other news, the baby is teething, or just going through the terrible twos or both. I'm not sure anymore. I do know that I have to start getting more sleep if I'm going to be able to drive in the mornings. Which I'm going to have to be able to do, since the baby's nap is in the afternoon, and she needs her vaccinations this month.
Oh, and Chris got a ticket for our tag being out of date. I can't believe I forgot. It must be because of the move and everything. So now we have to pay for our tag and the ticket. Well, that will just have to be at the end of the month, since we have several bills to pay already.
But money aside, I think we are finally finding our rural legs, as the saying goes. The seed cleaner is finally kind of slowing down, and our lives are finally starting to fall into a routine. Hopefully, it is one we can keep when the seed cleaner starts up again. As much as I hate eating without Chris, it's not fair to the baby to make her wait.
And that's another habit we are trying to break. We want to start calling Freesia by her name or by "little girl" so that when we do have our next child, she won't have that whole "but I'm the baby" thing going on.
Well, Chris's lunch hour is almost over with, and I need to start getting Freesia down for her nap.
Take care, everyone!
Monday, October 16, 2006
A new look!
Especially since I finally got my computer reformatted again. Of course, then I spent several hours downloading things for my computer since I have a dial up connection. However, our computer is running so much better, I can hardly believe it.
Chris has been really impressed with how the computer has been doing. He can finally read his comics in the morning without all those annoying pop ups and mal ware in the background.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Back in web land!!!!
It's great. Chris walks to work every morning, comes home for lunch, and Freesia has a front yard to play in. I finally have time to read and work on my writing as much as I like.
Monday, August 07, 2006
So far the only thing I'm losing is my hair. Oh, and I'm developing a nervous twitch of scratching my scalp til it bleeds.
In other news, the Linux machine that I got for my time at Free ITAthens is working pretty good. I think it'll make a nice little work horse.
I'm sorry everything is so disjointed. I don't know where I am really--my head I mean. Physically, for the next two weeks we will be dividing our time between here and the farm. Mentally, I need some time to decompress. Which is what I'm doing, I guess. Anyway, take care out there. It will probably be another month until you hear from us on our clunky dial up.
Did I just say dial up? Oh, goddess, this might not be such a good idea.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
So it's been awhile
Yes, we are going quality of life and moving back to hubby's family's farm to take part in the family business. And there will be gardens of veggies, grass for the baby, and maybe I can convince my father in law to raise a few sheep, ya know just for the look of the thing :D.
Oh, and my hubby's "honey-do" list keeps getting longer and longer. And the upshot--I'll be a real stay at home mom, no more of this part time crap.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
So you thought I was gone?
So updates--everyone has to drop by Letters to Myself (check list on the side). Jon and his wife just had an adorable little boy, and after some small complications, I think everyone is home. Oh, and by the way, Jon, yes, children really do put out sleep waves.
Also, for those who may be wondering why there are no pictures of the baba lately--I give you two reasons--teething and work.
I have to make this short. But you may want to check back here often, things could be changing pretty quickly.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Post at DotMoms
Have fun!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
So, I was a bit maudlin
I'm assuming that she is still all of those things, but a year can change you. C'est la vie.
On another topic, a piece of mine got published at (June 9th). It generated a lot of comment. I'd link to it, but it's late and I'm lazy.
I'm also very tired. I'm having problems with insomnia again. Send sleep waves my way, o.k.?
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Dear Alex
I miss you so much. I haven't gotten an answer from your yahoo account in almost eight months. I no longer have your phone number, because we had to change batteries in our cordless, and it wiped the memory.
We are still here, same bat time, same bat channel. I'm working part time and mothering full time. Chris has changed over to a third shift schedule so he had have a better change of sleeping without the baby interrupting him. Aimee is still trying to get a teaching job, and if she can't get one through TAPS, she is going to go back to school next spring.
I tried to google one of your online alias, but I couldn't find anything under axykatt that was current. Every entry is months old.
I worry for you. You are my heart's sister. And while I love Aimee just the same, there were two, now there is one. And Aimee is not you. She is wonderful, but not you. She is lovely and beautiful, but not you. She is all that you are, but from another angle and viewpoint. She is beloved, but she is not you.
In another lifetime, you and I would not be so distant. Instead of Christopher's name beside mine, it would have been yours. But I wasn't what you needed. Chris and I together weren't what you needed. And when you left, I smiled and waved goodbye, then took to my bed for a day.
I never thought I would loose track of you the way I did the rest of my childhood and adolescence.
I love you.
I miss you.
I would feed you canned peaches and cottage cheese, even though it disgusts me.
I worry for you.
There are few who know how to take care of an axykatt.
Please, if you know where she is, or have seen her, let her know there is a turtle trying to catch up.
With all my love,
A'tuin aka Brandy aka Turtle aka Turtlish
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
We're doing okay here. I'm still getting used to being the only one who can soothe the baby at night, but I think things are going alright.
Money is still a problem, but it will be until gas prices go down, or Chris's raise comes through, or both. We won't know until after this week's paycheck.
But hey, we're alright, ya know? We are getting used to our new schedule, and we think that we may be able to get the oldsmobile fixed--the one with the transmission problem. But more on that later.
On the knitting front, I'm working on several gifts right now. Charity knitting is taking a back seat right now.
Pictures are coming soon, I promise :D. I just need to find the time. But for right now, there is a munchkin that needs to be tickled.
Take care, everyone!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
The stuff ...
Also, lots of knitting being done, but not the gift knitting--sock knitting. Socks keep ambushing me at every turn. I'll cast on for a pair and an a couple of hours later, I'll be like, whafuck is going on, man? How did I get to a heel flap? I was knitting my mom's bag wasn't I?
My green project for Project Spectrum is coming along, and I really do have lots of photos to post, just no time to upload. I promise, as soon as the sky stops falling and the baby stops teething, I'll catch up on pics and -alongs.
BTW, a word to the any would be jokesters or thieves who read this blog. Yes, I really do have a machete, and yes, I do know how to use it.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
In laws ride to the rescue and yarn harlotry by yours truly
This proves that my mother in law is really a great person, despite the character flaw of being a morning person with a snore you can hear through a building. And I can prove it too you.
A friend of her, or my sister in law--not sure which, was moving to Singapore and wanted to give me her yarn stash. My mother in law shipped it to me herself, instead of my having to pay to have it shipped. She also shipped it as a surprise.
So we eventually get this box that used to hold several reams of paper, that she has told us to be on the look out for but didn't tell us what was inside. And inside was several skeins of Red Heart acrylic nestled in with so many skeins of Lion's Brand Molinare (in several different scrumptious colors) that my heart almost exploded. For those that don't know, Molinare was an acrylic mohair from like the eighties. I almost couldn't touch the stuff.
You know what this glorious super fuzzy three ply said to me as I petted it and sighed as my husband called to thank my mother in law. It said linings. It said hat linings, and mitten linings. It tried to whisper to me of sock linings, but I managed to get the lid back on the box.
I currently cast on an experiment for the hat linings tonight, because I couldn't sleep.
It's silly, but I was too happy to sleep. I've been so depressed over that stupid van that all I've wanted to do was sleep, and after staring at the ceiling for about four seconds, I just had to do something for someone else, so I cast on this hat. Even if the lining doesn't work for this pattern, I'll still have a finished hat out of it for Dulaan. And I have like three other patterns that I think will do.
All the proof you need that she is a wonderful woman. Oh, and aside from sending me yarn, she is paying to have our van fixed.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Even when I think it can't get worse...
I want to thank everyone who sent us well wishes (all one of you, but I get them psychically, ok), but what I really want you to do, what would make me feel better, is if everyone who reads this entry, follows the link to that blog and leaves a comment.
She and her people need all our well wishes, and to be honest, I feel a bit petty for bellyaching over our problems when Lailaumyousef is having problems buying bread for her son because of the "diet" that Israel is imposing.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I'm feeling better...
That out of the way--I finished a sock. That actually did wonders for my self esteem after my mother's lecture on how I should be using my education without actually using those words. Is it my fault I didn't realize that I didn't actually want to be an engineer until I tried to get an actual job as one.
No one told me I would have to sign off at least three years of my life for most consulting firms. I'm sorry I can't live like that.
Sorry, I honestly didn't mean to blog about this. I meant to blog about the sock. It's purple and its for Freesia. It has the cutest lace pattern in the cuff, and when I post the picture, I'll post the link to the pattern. The only problem is I'm using metal needles size two, and the yarn is from Brown Sheep, Cotton Fine. Very splippery and I really do need bamboo for this yarn, but I've decided to forge ahead with the aluminum.
And to those who might want to make a donation to the Hunt-Smith poor fund, leave a comment, and I will get back to you :D.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
So, I'm mostly caught up. Now what?
Sunday, April 23, 2006
LATE: Project Spectrum: March
G is for Georgia
Needless to say these pictures where taken in south Georgia, which is more rural, than north Georgia, where we reside. I actually do have some pictures from around here, but I'm saving them for my H post.
Friday, April 21, 2006
I am a terrible blogger.
In other other news, we are finally mostly healthy. The pollen count seems to be falling, and the baby is less snotty than usual. Our collective bowels are finally getting over the GI virus the baby passed along to us.
Be prepared for lots of pictures coming up this weekend. They are already picasa'ed and ready for uploading.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Knitting Update, Part One
This is going to be an update on the knitting I'm doing for myself and other people in my life--not charity. That's the next part. Sorry the next couple of posts are going to be really picture intensive.
This fine looking gentleman to the right is my dad, and he's wearing the scarf I knit him for X-mas. This is the one I'm currently trying to get the pattern posted at the knitting vault. As soon as I do, I up date on that and provide a link.
The picture below is my darling girl in her very harlot poncho. This is a design by the Yarn Harlot that is available on her website. It's super easy, and I have to say very fun to knit.
Of course, there will be more knitting pictures later. See ya then.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
As babily possible?
I know some think that babies should be on this really rigorous schedule, but I've never been able to manage it with Freesia. As she has grown older and napped less, schedules have become more rigid and more important, but still a lot of things are still done on her schedule.
I don't wake the baby from a nap because it's bad luck. It sort of guarantees that the rest of the day is a wash. She hates it. I hate it. It is badong for those in the know.
Anyway, thought I would explain the new addition to my vocabulary.
Monday, April 03, 2006
I am so behind...
In other news, no one wants to take me on about my previous posts. Which is probably good. I was PMSing when I wrote them. However, I stand by my point.
Monday, March 27, 2006
More thoughts on MIM
- Anonymous and obviously fake email address and websites are the lowest of the low. If bloggers are honest enough to let it all hang out, then trolls should at least leave us a forum to comment back to them. That being said--I will find a way around troll comments--maybe Dan the computer god will help. Hmmmm....
- If the people who responded to MIM's posts can be construed as a fair sample of the technically literate in this country, then I know why it's been so hot in this handbasket. My goddess, people, do you really think that one simple post about appearance and its effect on relationships is worth so much drama? The very attention paid to it shows how important it seems to be. If you didn't care, you wouldn't feel the need to comment.
What is so damn wrong in this country? Three monthes ago, I stumped my new family doctor. He said that my blood pressure is fine, my glucose was back to fine after the birth of the baby, and there is nothing wrong with my glands. Aside from a trick knee from a car accident in my youth, a slightly increased heart rate (not much, I can still donate blood), and a touch of IBS, I am in perfect health. Here is the kicker, I weigh about 330 lbs. And before anyone busts a gut, I've weighed that since before my husband married me.
There is no medical reason for my obesity. I eat what my husband does (180 lbs), and when I'm working (my work is seasonal), I lose about ten to twenty lbs. No more, no less. I can't seem to break the 300 lbs barrier.
So if I'm healthy, and my regular exercise keeps my weight steady, why is it such a big deal? It shouldn't be. The only people it is a big deal to is my doctor and my mother.
And now possibly you. So can you tell me why it matters? Why does it matter to anyone out there that I have a loving husband, and wonderful child, and I am overweight?
Sunday, March 26, 2006
The MIM issue, or will you please clean out your ears!
Apparently, I am a rare bird in the blogosphere. Evidence is provided by the Morphing into Momma blog. MIM posted a piece about a class she was taking. Basically, the debate was about what being comfortable in a relationship means to different people. Her point in this debate was that a spouse should consult their partner before making drastic changes to their appearance. That a spouse's likes and dislikes should be taken into account after marriage as well as before.
Somehow weight became the thing that her fellow students glommed onto to pick apart her argument. Their point being that no man should tell his wife to lose weight. MIM agreed and rebutted by saying she didn't say it was about weight gain or about husband/wife roles. She further pointed out that drastic changes in appearance can be an indication of depression/stress/etc., but she also tried to pull it back to basic premise--attractiveness is based on image. And one should consult with one's life partner before changing that image.
MIM also backpedaled to explain that weight gain due to illness/age was not what she was talking about. She was talking about changes to personal appearance that were controllable.
I don't know about anyone else, but when someone I love radically changes their appearance, I become concerned. Mostly because in my experience, this is a control issue. When my husband shaved his head, after growing his hair out for two years, at midnight, I asked him if he was okay. He said that he was and that he was going to load the dishwasher. I told him that he was taking the next day off and to call in before going to bed. Our baby was 1 1/2 months old and was refusing to sleep. I sat down with her and finally got her to sleep while Chris called in sick and we slept in the next morning. He went off to the rpg game store and hung out there for awhile and returned much better.
I don't know about you but I recognized the signs of an impending wiggin from my hubby and nipped it in the bud.
I hope that this clears up some of the absolute stupidity going on out there over this post. Yeah, that's right I called everyone who made such a big deal out of post they probably only skimmed through, if that, stupid. Oh, and I hope you do comment. Unlike MIM, I love to fight, and for every ugly comment I get, I'll give one right back.
I think it's horrible that she has had to turn off the comment feature on her blog. I think that everyone who didn't really read what she said and then commented like the half assed baboons they are should have their keyboards taken away.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
In transition
But I have to make something known. A realization that I had.
Nothing is infinite.
Everyone is in transition from one state to another.
We began dying from the moment we stopped maturing.
Stop reading this and take a walk. It is spring time for goddess sake.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Rejection from Far Sector SFFH
"While readers here appreciate what’s strong about your work, we feel the work is
not a match for our current editorial needs. That in no way is a critique of your
work’s quality, and we hope you don’t feel too let down."
So, is that something they added, or do they say that to everyone? Am I insane to obsess about it? Does it mean that 235 Hark Lane needs another, tighter rewrite before it goes back into the cold cold world?
But we don't give up, no matter what the world says. Someone out there will like this story. We sends it out again, precious.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
So its been awhile, redux
I have a lot of catching up to do, so expect some changes soon. I promise.
Oh, in other news, I have an essay up at So please, click the link to my content producer page and rate it. I would appreciate it.
F is for ...
E is for ....
Look at her go at it. I am so self conscious when I eat, that I usually eat very fast, which isn't good for you. I have a multitude of food issues that span eating in public to eating in front of family to eating in from of in laws, that I'm not going to go into at the moment.
I just want to look at this picture and realize that my daughter is healthy, if a little greedy. You may not be able to see, but she has a piece of pork chop in each hand. Why she also saw the need to root in her plate like a little pig is beyond me.
But it also reminds me that the last thing she needs is to feel self conscious about her eating, so when she does things like this, I giggle a bit with my husband, then I ignore it. She will figure it out sooner than later, I'm sure.
PS. That is my elbow and plate in the corner.
Monday, March 13, 2006
So I finally saw the new Harry Potter movie.
And you thought this would be an update on real life stuff. That some later, when I have the time to update.
Busy busy busy.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Does someone hear a frog?
I have joined Project Spectrum. Check out link in the side bar. Its late, I'm lazy, and that's why its there. Which is nice since some of my current knitting will satisfy the month of March stuff.
I'm doing a knitting project review in the hopes of getting me revved for the next week. So the list of projects in the queue:
- Belated Xmas--Mikey is finished just needs to be delivered (two more projects to go)
- Freesia's cotton tank top (wip)
- Felted bag for Mom (Mother's Day)
- Ties for dad and dad in law (Father's Day)
- Newborn hat (afA)(wip)
- Baby cardie (WOLE) (wip)
- Mittens (DP)(wip)
- Preemie hat (St. M)(wip)
- Baby blanket (not sure where yet)(wip)
- Freesia's leg warmers (yarn still needs to be dyed--getting late in the year for those--may have to be scrapped)
- Freesia's tube socks (still waiting for the right needles)
- Afghans squares for Grandma B (none so far, need at least four by the end of the month)
I may have to pare this list down. I had originally planned to do at least two matching newborn hat/tube sock combos for the minidrive that afghans for Afghans is having. And there was the original commitment of 25 items for the Dulaan Project.
I think I'm going to go ahead and scrap Freesia's legwarmers. The wool can wait until later. I'll go ahead and dye it and some more roving to go with it, and I'll start that project in August. Maybe it will become matching leg warmers and shrug.
I think the same thing will happen to Freesia's tube socks. The yarn I put aside for that has too much wool content for summer, and if I wait until August I can tinker with the sizing to make sure she can wear them most of the winter.
Two problems solved. Now, the minidrive is over on April 28 for those newborn things, so I think the WOLE project and baby blanket can also be sidelined. Items three and four haven't been cast on yet and can wait another month. Dulaan Project also has a due date, so anything not cast on yet, will, eventually. So the August stuff can go back on the roster then.
Okay, just two more decisions, so let's go ahead and admit that Xmas has come and gone. Those two projects will make great B-day/Xmas gifts for this year, so let's go head and get rid of that for now.
And for right now, let's go ahead and hold back on the Dulaan Project knitting. I can come back to it after the knitting for afghans for Afghans is over. So that leaves four projects, that if I work on them a little each day, I should be able to knock them out this month.
Freesia's tank top won't take any time at all. Once that is over, Mother's Day and Father's Day knitting can join the queue. Knitting for Saint Mary's never ends, but once the afghans for Afghans minidrive is over, Dulaan Project comes back up. Once that is over, then I will start knitting for WOLE again. Once the Father's Day knitting ends, I will start the Xmas knitting.
And I may take a hiatus from afghan squares in August to do some Winter knitting for Freesia.
Well, thanks for letting me talk that all out. I actually feel a lot better, and not so frantic.
One problem, I have no paying work scheduled yet for the next two weeks. This is bad, very bad. Eating into what little savings we have bad.
Any suggestions? Will work for yarn :D.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Decency in knitting
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
For those of you who are wondering
The baby is no longer a plague monkey and is recovering well. And as for Chris....
He is disgustingly healthy.
I would hate him if I didn't love him so much.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
So the plague monkey has landed
Now, I am also very snotty. Chris has not evidenced this body betrayal.
The baby doesn't sleep well because she is sick and seems to have nightmares.
I'm going slowly insane.
Until next time.
Monday, February 20, 2006
An open letter ...
I just finished your new novel, Cell, and I must once more commend you on finding the horror in the innocuousness of a cellular phone and scaring me out of my ever loving mind. I really hate cell phones but had been considering that eventually I may actually need one. However, I doubt I could even borrow one at the moment.
Ordinarily, I would simply marvel at your genius and go on knowing that the acclaim you will receive from the public should be enough without my extra clamor. However, once small facet of one of your main characters cries out for comment. The character of Tom McCourt is gay.
Simple, isn't it? You didn't make him the butt of any joke, he wasn't inappropriately used as comedic relief, and the rest of the characters didn't keep explaining his gayness away. Instead, Tom McCourt was portrayed as a level headed young man who did not giggle with the girls and who did not simper at his larger, stronger, straighter male compatriots.
Thank you so much for not giving McCourt more than his due; thank you for not beating us over the head with his gayness, and thank you for writing something that I loved.
(who sacrificed sleep to finished your book in one sitting)
D is for...
Yes, this is the desk where it happens at. Very messy I know, but at least there is no yarn festooning the screen. I had to clean the yarn away, because the colors weren't coming out right.
Yes, for those who wonder, I do knit at the computer. And for those who may not make the connection, this does mean I sometimes knit in the newwde.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Crafting challenge stuff
So I finally have to go begging for yarn donations. Not happy, but things could be worse. I could have had a knitting needle shoved in my eye. I guess I'll start faxing on Monday, but I'm going to start mailing letters today. I'm also going to check out freecycle group. Maybe someone has some acrylic yarn they would like to give up.
I've decided that acrylic yarn is no longer the anti-yarn that so many people say it is. It's just yarn, ya know? Some of its smoother than others, but I've heard washing the item a couple of times will take the scratchiness out of the acrylic.
Can one say the same for wool? But please, don't get me wrong. I prefer wool for most of the stuff I'm knitting because it is going to some of the coldest places in the world, but for myself and my family, I can't see using 100% wool.
Its just impractical here in Georgia. Unless its felted, like clogs or a bag, 100% wool items are only going to get worn maybe a week out of the year. That's why I adore blends. Except when I'm spinning that is.
I really like to spin wool. I'm actually going to be trying soy silk soon, but I'm going to be plying it with a lovely varigated wool I'm currently spinning. I don't think I'm going to be able to get the same effect as they are getting in Japan, but I'm willing to try and wear the consequence.
But back to the original statement. I prefer to wear cotton and polyester almost all year round, and so does almost everyone else I know. We save wool for things like hats, scarves, and slippers.
However, for the stuff that's going to Mongolia and South Dakota, I'm hoping to eventually have some wool to knit with. Currently, I'm using acrylic, which is actually pretty warm, because I'm knitting with small needles to make it as dense as I can. But I'm hoping to include some thrummed socks and mittens at the very least for Mongolia (Project Dulaan). And at least a few baby sweaters made out of wool for South Dakota (WOLE).
I guess that's enough of my yammering. Back to the needles while the baby sleeps.
And then there was ...
In other news, we think the baby may have climbed up on the couch by herself. Or she used hubby for a ladder. Chris said no comment, because he was out of it and in vidiot land. I was playing a video game.
Hey he had the bal ... baby. I am so close to just not going to work today, you just don't know.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Playing catch up
Things here have been ... interesting. We've been really busy, and the baby has been keeping us up nights. She has also been going to a baby sitter so I can work some mornings. As you can see, she is starting to walk, and she is a handfull. Also see the the overalls? Aren't they the cutest ever. I'm going to start buying her just overalls, at least until summer.
I think that a big part of it is all the knitting projects I'm working on seem to be soaking up my creativity. Not that its a bad thing, per se, its just that finding stuff to keep the baby happy and occupied takes up the rest of my creativitity, and so not much writing gets done.
I do have some knitting pics to upload so here goes.
Here I am kntting a sock. That pair is finished, but I don't have a good picture of the finished pair.
I've worked out what I'm knitting for who at the point and am currently working on several projects at once. Once I have every currently planned project on needles, I'll upload a picture.
This is a pair of mittens for Dulaan, and a fair isle turtle that needs to be felted for my daughter. I have also finished several starfish for her, and once everything is felted, I'll post another picture.
C is for...
He has to have his own letter, because he's too important to be blogged about elsewhere.
Friday, February 10, 2006
So a lot of stuff happening
Monday, February 06, 2006
Isn't been awhile?
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
So, it has been a while.
Anyway, I'm going to be putting up pictures soon, so keep checking back.
In baby news, the day care problem may have been taken care of.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Naked blogging?
So what does all that mean really? Right now, as I type this, I am wearing nothing but a pair of panties. And now suddenly I want to make a reference to Pump Up The Volume, but there is no way I can wear a cock ring. If that bothers you, well, pretend I didn't make the post.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Hand cramps!
I had to blog.
It's strange. I don't know what I did with at least fifteen minutes of my time a day before I started blogging. That would have been at least three cigarettes before I became pregnant, which is when I started blogging, so maybe that's it. For those not in the know, I quit cold turkey when my pregnancy test came back positive.
Which brings me to another topic I feel I have to talk about. Friends. Aimee, of She Who Reads, was there when I took my pregnancy test. She was there when I smoked my last cigarette. She was there when I got married. She was a friend of mine when I got together with my husband. She has been one of my best friends for years.
Aimee, I just wanted to let everyone know how wonderful you are, sister of my heart. And a shout out to Alexandra, the other sister of my heart, if you are reading this--Email me, call me, something! We don't have your phone number anymore. The baby sort of demolished our number list.
So, anyway, back to trying to compile those lost phone numbers again.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Stuff and babies
In other news, I think the baby is either back to teething or is trying to do away with her morning nap. Is is horrible of me to want it to be the former and not the later?
It's not that I have to have that blessed two hour nap/knitting time, but I certainly desire it. Here follows a funny picture of my demon in blessings guise.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Stash cleaning and charity.
That cream and brown thing off to the side is something that was given to me by my mum, as well as the rest of the acrylic in the charity bin (far right, top). The center top is for wool, and that fingering weight is going over to the charity side, probably, at least that hazard orange.
The fiber is in the bags, and center and center right bins are acrylic or cotton that is being saved for other projects.
Better picture of the charity yarn.
I made a decision that all of the yarn that I don't want, mostly acrylic, would go to charity, and for those paying attention to the ticker at the top, you may have the idea that I have lost my mind and decided to join a charity challenge.
I have. I am going to knit 100 projects for charity, and at least 25 of those will be going to the Dulaan project. I did want to talk just a moment about the Dulaan project. I think its very sad that cashmere comes from a place where poor people have to live in heating tunnels under cities.
This is the first pair of socks knit for the Dulaan project.
Fiber stash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B is for
Friday, January 20, 2006
Mossy Cottage Knits is not only a rockin' blog, but also the home of the Dulaan Project. This is a charity for sending warm knits to Mongolia. There is a lot more info on their site, so CLICK the link.
A little bit later today, I'll be updating with pictures of the STASH. However, I am officially ending AKE day. Instead, Friday will be known as Picture Day hence forth.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Body sabotage
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
On a more serious note, the reasons for conversion are as follows:
-Flimsy moral standards.
-Every friday is a relgious holiday. If your work/school objects to that, demand your religious beliefs are respected and threaten to call the ACLU.
-Our heaven is WAY better. We've got a Stripper Factory AND a Beer Volcano.
This is a lovely website, which can be found here. Actually, its a great spoof on ID vs. creationism debate with the whole pirates vs. global temperature trends debate as well.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Knitting ...
Also, major spinning being done. As soon as I finish this white wool I was given, I'm switching over to some blue wool that Ruth over at the yarn shop gave me.
Which brings me to the BALL WINDER. Ruth gave me a BALL WINDER this weekend just because I mention that I needed one and she had one that was on its way to ball winder heaven. It hasn't worn out yet, but it is on its way--the dreaded clicking noise has started.
In writing news, I've given up on my writer's block and I'm editing my novella from Nanowrimo. More news as that shapes up.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Oh, and I just had this really great idea. One I'm sure that ... fiber ... no, must communicate! I'm going to go through my yarn stash and pick out the yarn that I have no idea why I have it, and I'm going to knit things for charity, like Project Linus, or one of the other ... must spin. Sorry, I have to go while I can still use a mouse.
Use a mouse? Hee hee hee.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Yarn Harlot Friday
Now settle with me as we open the holy writ. Ya RIGHT! Today's completely random nugget of wisdom is:
"If I am foolish enough to be arrogant about my knitting, I will
understands when it spontaneously bursts into flames."
Hmmm, yes she is wise. Uhm, so I taught myself fair isle this week. It is not really hard but fiddly. I don't know if I would do it again. No, I take that back it is completely fiddly and there is something in my engineering brain that cries out for it. But this is definitely the type of thing requires respect. I will respect the knitting of others more after this experience, and I will learn from it and not be so arrogant about my own. If I had done that maybe I wouldn't have had to rip the whole turtle shell out and start over.
Picture Friday
These three things are things I've been working on in the last week. The starfish is going to be felted and stuffed. The fair isle circle thingy is the shell top of a turtle, which will also be felted when completed and stuffed.
And the last item is the hat. This is the less than 24 hour hat that is destined for Mikey, or for hubby's dad, I haven't decided yet. It might not go to anyone, because I think the cast on is too tight. But aren't the colors great?
In other news, Ruth, the proprietor of Main Street Yarn and Fiber in Watkinsville, was cleaning out some of their storage and found a lot of old fiber, stuff that's been discontinued. And she gave it too ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't just have stash, I have STASH. I love the kindness of strangers. Of course that didn't stop me from buying a couple of ounces of both soy silk and ingeo.
More later.
A correction is needed. Ruth gave me FIBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While it would have been nice if she had given me yarn, I think I prefer the gift of fiber.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Oh, my goddess, I think we are townies!
I've lived in Athens, GA since 1994 and never once considered myself a townie. Not that being a townie is wrong, just this is a self image evaluation. Compounded by the fact that hubby just stands there nodding his head knowingly.
Starfish and fair isle turtles...
In other news, the baby is certifiable. She won't stick to any one sleeping schedule.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Mikey Hat done!
Knitting forecast
In other news, the baby seems to be in a teething lull and is catching up on her sleep. Praise all the gods and goddesses.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Oh, and Freesia has decided that I really am Mama instead of the floor, or her walker, or the computer. Yeah! I beat dada.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Podcast crazy, and Happy De-Lurking day
In other news, I found out that today has been declared Annual De-Lurking Day, so:
Now, I know that I probably don't have a lot of people coming in and out. I don't know that for sure, and I don't want to know exactly how many people read my blog. If I did, I would put in a web counter.
That sort of thing reminds me more of my old blog, and I got a little obsessed. No more. However, if you would like to boost my ego, please leave a comment. Or even better, check out some of my articles at Associated Content and rate me there.
But that is just an ego boost that I don't need, so don't think I'm begging for feedback. I really don't like to read that kind of blog, and this isn't going to be that kind of blog.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
So, the weekend.
Friday, January 06, 2006
ABC along and Friday things
ABC Along first.
A is for Atuin. Atuin is me.
I don't really like to take pictures of myself, but I thought I would try. This is me, or at least me taking my picture in a dirty mirror (blame the baby--she likes to lick her image). I don't have the best self image in the world, and I don't like to advertise what I look like. I will however explain the nick name.
A'tuin is the world turtle from Terry Pratchett's novels about the Discworld. My spirit animal is a turtle and I definitely qualify as taking the worries of the world on my shoulders. Some of my friends accused me of having a mommy complex before I even became a mother.
Next is a knitting picture. This is that poor lonely clog whose mate needs more yarn. It's huge isn't it?
I am assured that the thing just needs to be felted. We can only hope.
Now, for the Yarn Harlot portion of the post. Today's quotation from AKE is:
"I will resist the urge to hoard my favorite yarns forever, constantly
trying to determine whether the projects they are intended for are
I sort of have the opposite problem. People keep giving me acrylic yarn from that old afghan they never finished in the seventies. We are talking not pretty stuff. I'm thinking about making it up into an afghan or a lap rug for my mom. She likes that kind of stuff.
In other news, I have shown my own yarn harlotry this week. With a starfish. A felted starfish with these cute little short rows. So much better than the monstrosity that is the almost finished shawl for hubby's grandmother. That thing is getting blogged as soon as I'm done, so there should be another post tonight before we go running off to see hubby's folks.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Stuff and the thing
In other news, I did some drop spindling at our knitting group. Since this was very much in public at a Panera Bread, I thought I would get a lot more comment. I did get an older lady who was interested, but there wasn't a lot of people there, I guess. Ya, I know. I can be an secret attention whore.
Oh, I've almost finished the knitting project for hubby's grandma, which is good since we'll be seeing her this weekend.
O.K., here is where things get dicey. I have major writer's block at the moment. I feel completely... congested. Its all up there, but nothing is moving. I think I'm going to start the edit on my nanowrimo novella early, so that I can get that out of the way. I think that's why I'm blocked. I had planned to start it on 1/15, so of course I don't want to be involved in a huge project at the time.
So, that about it, not in a nut shell but close. How about you?
Monday, January 02, 2006
So a new year
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Wow, why didn't I think of that?
Or maybe they do. Maybe that's why I didn't get to bed until 4 am this morning. I have to be spoiling my child to want to rock her and soothe her while she is in teething hell.
Do you ever have days when it feels like the average IQ of the planet just shed twenty points?
God, please help your children, before Goddess realizes what's going on. I don't want another flood.
A new year
As far as New Year's resolutions, I have managed not to follow behind my husband too much to today, and hope to do better in the future. Remember, I will trust my husband more. NO MATTER WHAT.