Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Playing catch up

Things here have been ... interesting. We've been really busy, and the baby has been keeping us up nights. She has also been going to a baby sitter so I can work some mornings. As you can see, she is starting to walk, and she is a handfull. Also see the the overalls? Aren't they the cutest ever. I'm going to start buying her just overalls, at least until summer.

I think that a big part of it is all the knitting projects I'm working on seem to be soaking up my creativity. Not that its a bad thing, per se, its just that finding stuff to keep the baby happy and occupied takes up the rest of my creativitity, and so not much writing gets done.

I do have some knitting pics to upload so here goes.

Here I am kntting a sock. That pair is finished, but I don't have a good picture of the finished pair.

I've worked out what I'm knitting for who at the point and am currently working on several projects at once. Once I have every currently planned project on needles, I'll upload a picture.

This is a pair of mittens for Dulaan, and a fair isle turtle that needs to be felted for my daughter. I have also finished several starfish for her, and once everything is felted, I'll post another picture.

1 comment:

Patti said...

Love the turtle -- will have to see it sometime.